I believe a true hero is hero someone who is able to stand up for themselves and others with dignity. A person in my life that I can honestly say I think was a true hero is my older sister Frankys she always was a really confident girl and not some much as loud but very capable to voice her opinion without a problem. Another character trait of a hero would be someone who is not only physically strong, but mentally strong, someone who doesn't follow whats right, but instead leads by example. Which is another reason that ties-in to why I picked Franky as an example, because she'd always tell me that she felt like she was meant to be a leader, which is a little bit self-centered but there's nothing wrong with a little bit of ego. She's was determined, throughout her life she experienced a lot of sickness, but she always had hope that one day she'd be a healthy young women, which for about 8 years that was an up hill climb, some days were good and others were horrible. But even going through all this she always kept a smile on her face, and hope in her heart. So to me that is what makes a true hero. 
Sarah Howard
9/10/2012 12:05:03 am

I think this blog is very good! i like your sentence "Another character trait of a hero would be someone who is not only physically strong, but mentally strong, someone who doesn't follow whats right, but instead leads by example" i thought that was a great way to put it! i couldnt agree more with you.

Breanne Lacy
9/10/2012 12:08:10 am

i thought this was a really good blog entry. And i loved your example of a hero to you. I think the same thing about how someone should be to be a hero in my eyes. you did really great with describing how your sister was a hero to you (:


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